Saturday, December 4, 2010

Spirituality From A Wheelchair:The Heart

The heart is big enough to hold love for everyone. There is always room for one more.
~Marie Morrison~"

Friday, December 3, 2010


Becoming a disciple of Christ is not reserved for theologians. Giving someone a hug, listening to a person in need, greeting Christ at the beginning and ending of the day, sharing a smile and praying for others are a few of the ways we spread His message. A simple gesture, while reaching out to others, is how we walk with Him.

~Marie Morrison~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Christ’s nourishment brings an explosion of fire into the body and soul. The spirit is invigorated and ready to carry out God’s will.

~Marie Morrison~

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It is common knowledge to not take advantage of others. Rather, take full advantage of your life. We only get one chance in this world to do everything we can with the mind, soul, body and spirit. Go for it!
~Marie Morrison~"