Wednesday, January 4, 2012



When it comes to physical pain, I have been blessed to suffer more than others. Though some may look at me oddly when I say this, I truly do feel I carry an honor. Not everyone gets to be so close to Christ, being reminded of him and what he did for us because of my own pain. It is the passage, “You were called to this kind of endurance because Christ suffered on your behalf. He left you as an example so that you might follow in his footsteps,” (1 Peter 2:21) (CEB), that leaves me in many conversations with our Lord. He is my companion, always there, putting everything in perspective for me. What I go through is nothing compared to his suffering, nor am I mocked and tortured as he was. Though people tell me I am their inspiration to carry on, I tell them it is Christ who is mine.

Granted, I do not always stay so cheerful about it, wishing some days I could walk the dogs, one of the things I miss the most. However, staying in the wishing mode will not get me anywhere, not making me stronger. All I have to do is remember what Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “Remember the Lord your God! He’s the one who gives you strength!” (CEB) I am ready to move on, a bit stronger in my mind, body and soul than the moment before. I have another conversation with God, saying, “Okay, God! Let’s do it together!,” and off the two of us go.

I know I am never alone. Only once, did I have that down moment when talking to him, asking him to show me the way to keep moving. I wanted to, but I needed urging. Oh, how my pain was trying to take control of me! It was the passage from Daniel 10:18, that God showed to me, “"Don't be afraid. You are greatly treasured. All will be well with you. Be strong!" I shared a grin with him and immediately moved forward. Never have I let my pain take over my life; I am in charge!

I did just what Jeremiah 29:13,14, said to do, " When you search for me, yes, search for me with all your heart, you will find me. I will be present for you.” (CEB) It took me only a minute to search for him. He was right there, waiting for me. By the excitement in his voice, I knew he was hoping I would ask for his help.

What a full life I have! As Amos 5:6, states, “Seek the Lord and live.” (CEB) How truly blessed everyday can be!

~Marie T. Morrison~

Sunday, January 1, 2012


May countless blessings come upon you in the New Year, as you take steps forward using your growing wisdom and knowledge. Let faith keep you standing, pulling you back up when those strenuous times knock you down. As you feel a breeze, it is an extra sprinkling of God’s joy, compassion, mercy, peace and grace, because of His love for you. Wherever you are, there will be our Lord, always within you, His Spirit always giving you hope.
~Marie T. Morrison~