Saturday, December 17, 2011


"Scatter your seed in the morning,and in the evening don't be idle because you don't know which will succeed, this one or that, or whether both will be equally good.
Sweet is the light,and it's pleasant for the eyes of the sun. Even those who live many years should take pleasure in them all." Ecclesiastes 11:6-8

I am a person wanting to see the positive in everything. It is hard to find it in some situations, but it is there. Turning to God and the angels can help me seek the goodness. That lost seed can turn into something bountiful, bringing fruit to many.

During Advent, I reflect and pray on the goodness of each of my brethren. I am also doing my best to only speak of the goodness of those I know.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Thursday, December 15, 2011


"Hark the herald angels sing!" It is the time of year for us to praise and glorify our God, eternally bringing us light in our darkness, providing life in every direction we turn. He loves us unconditionally,giving us mercy, even when we are not following His Will. Our newborn King is coming, the angels, our unchanging messengers tell us, as they sing to announce His acclaimed birth. In our hearts,

"May God be praised, and may his great name be praised, and may all his holy angels be praised forever! May his great name be upon us, and may all the angels be praised for all eternity!" Tobit 11:13-14 (Common English Bible)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



The landscape is blanketed with snow today. I think of the beautiful psalm, which begins:

"Heaven is declaring God's glory; the sky is proclaiming his handiwork." Psalm 19:1

I habitually wake up thanking God for another day, praising Him often as I acknowledge the roof over my head, having food to eat and warm clothing to wear. I say a prayer of gratitude for my family and friends.

As I look at nature, I always smile and thank God for what I can see, touch, smell, hear and even taste. There are the berries to eat, the salt on the lips from an ocean wind, raindrops and snowdrops gently landing on the mouth. Today is one of those days, where I especially feel happy and at peace, as I see a panorama of white. Delicate snowflakes cover every object I see out of my windows, providing a web of intricate designs. My soul is rejoicing by God’s luxuriant handiwork. Dormant fruit trees, flowering bushes at sleep for the winter and tall pines all hold layers of snow, appearing soft and silent in their own grandeur. How grateful I am, to be part of this spiritual world.

~Marie T. Morrison~

Bible version for quote is from the Common English Bible

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


"Among all things, who hasn't known that the LORD's hand did this, In whose grasp is the life of everything, the breath of every person?" Job 12:9-10

Job continues to be an inspiration on what faith is about. No matter how tough life got, he looked at life as something given to him by the Lord's hand. In his own pain, he knows that without God, there would be no air. Without the air, we cannot breathe in God's glory. Without His glory, there could be no excitement and anticipation of His Son birth, bringing a new beginning to the world. Because of His Son's later pain and sacrifice, mankind was saved. Mankind offers us the sharing of God's faith, love, peace, grace, joy and mercy, now and forever.

~Marie T. Morrison~