Thursday, October 27, 2011


Waiting in a medical room of filled with worry and tension, a baby and mother take a seat. The baby knows no fear, only innocence, giving a smile to each person surrounding him. Eyes sparkle as bright as the little one. Grins are shared with the baby and one another. Happiness replaces anxiety. The Spirit of God brought a skip to every step as names were called out. Only visions of that smile remained.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Vivid oranges, reds and yellows, undertones of their lighter shades giving a blushing of awe. Though thoughts look back upon a juicy bowl of peaches, it is the breathless joy of autumn in my presence. God has signed his artwork in nature once again.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Wildflowers are one of the wild creatures from God, bringing us joy and beauty in the most unexpected places.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Freedom of choice is one way we gain our wisdom. It is a time where we pray to God, seeking a wise decision in the actions we are to undertake. Relief is felt, knowing He is loves us, no matter what we choose.
~Marie T. Morrison~