Saturday, December 5, 2009


"Your words, Lord, are spirit and life." Ps. 19
How exquisite these seven words are. The Lord never stops speaking to us. He is there in the splendid array of reds and oranges from a sunrise or sunset, or by the snowflakes silently falling upon trees. We feel Him as the wind provides a peaceful breeze. He is in the sounds of ocean waves breaking as they reach the shore, the rain hitting the windows, a squirrel chirping, the birds singing.  There are the sounds of laughter, the cries of a newborn, the tears of sadness and joy. We hear it in the conversations with one another. We feel Him speaking as we share a hug or in the holding of hands. Our Lord never sleeps, always there to share His Spirit and His life, expressing His eternal love for us.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happiness Souffle

This morning, a former grade school student came by to say hello. Knowing that she was coming, I was going through old files to see if I had saved something she had written, nearly 30 years ago. What I found was a compilation of short essays and poems done by my gifted students. It was fun to go through memories with her, looking at various journal entries she and others had written. One student had written a wonderful 'recipe,' calling it a "Happiness Souffle." She gathered together friends and good times, stirring them together well. Added to this was a pinch of forgiveness, blending softly. During the blending, happy memories were to be tossed in. Finding a nice place to let it set, care was to be stirred in, letting everything sit for awhile. When it is ready, do enjoy the happiness. What a beautiful recipe! It is one we need to remember to pull out and make often, not letting our busy and hectic lives bury this recipe at the bottom of a pile. We will never remember all that was in that pile, but we will remember all of the ingredients of this souffle. It is just what the Spirit of God ordered!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


It is easy to become afraid.  There can be many factors in someone’s life causing fear.  The unknown is always scary, not being able to foresee what is ahead for us. We can get quite wrapped up in what may or may not happen in our lives. But, if we let fear dominate our thoughts, we don’t give God a chance to take care of us. Switching our concerns to that of having faith in God will be healthy for the heart and soul. No longer do we have to worry what may or may not happen during the years to come. We have His Spirit to be our advocate.  Things may not go always as planned. Still we do not need to be afraid.  We only need faith.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I love the verse in 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” It is easy to forget who can truly help us if we are going through stressful times. Blaming another for causing the stress does not solve the problem. It can have the adverse affect, of causing more anxiety. It would be better to find a quiet space, praying for the Holy Spirit to comfort you during this tumultuous time. Take a moment to breathe in the air around you. Shut your eyes and picture a relaxing scene in your mind. It could be a special moment in your life or visualizing one of your favorite landscapes.  The important thing is not to shut the Holy Spirit out. Remember, He is always there to care for you!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The Hebrew language has a word, ruah, which means 'wind or breath.' It is apropos to what God did, breathing his Spirit into us.  It is a beautiful image, ruah, with more images of the Spirit to follow. There is the water to purify our souls, fire to give us light, and the dove, giving us peace.  Having the Holy Spirit direct our lives will produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness, humility and self-control.
It is human nature to turn our backs on any one of these. What is important is to not keep our backs turned.  Otherwise,  wrongdoings will begin to eat away at our very souls. We could  no longer nourish the Spirit for which we have been blessed. We must pray for constant guidance from the Holy Spirit. We must also pray for those who have turned their backs on God, that they, too, will begin to nourish their souls, understanding right from wrong. Let the Holy Spirit guide you, as well as those who surround you, friend or foe. Let your face feel 'ruah,' knowing the Holy Spirit will never cease loving you.

Monday, November 30, 2009



It is easy to take on a commitment, only to find out it was more challenging than we expected. Some may want to give up and quit, yet there are others who remain tenacious, being strong-willed throughout the arduous process. This is where the will of God's Spirit comes to play. We may think we are alone as we go through numerous struggles to get the task done. But, it is the gift of the Holy Spirit who is there every moment for us, helping us to gain wisdom and  knowledge, strengthening our character. We are now a better person than we were when we began the journey. Before long, another challenge will come our way. Because we are now wiser and stronger, we are ready to dive into the next undertaking. I remember my own piece of philosophy on every venture I take on, "Never say I can't. Always say I can."  Realizing I am carrying the Spirit within me, I can take on anything. It might take awhile to get to the end of the road once again, but I will get there. I will praise God for sharing His Spirit with me, giving me the opportunity to always say "I can!"

Sunday, November 29, 2009


A powerful piece of Scripture says to us, "You sweep mortals away. They are a dream.  They sprout again in the morning like cut grass (Ps.90:5). When a loved one passes away, we loose part of our own hearts and souls. At times, it is hard to keep going, though we know we have to. Waking up to an emptiness does not make the daily life easy to accept. Seeking comfort from God is the only way life seems possible. God is letting us know that though our beloved being is no longer in our tangible presence, there is still a feeling of a presence among us. These are the sprouts of grass cropping up, when we least expect it.  Maybe it will be seen in a splendid rainbow, a colorful flower bursting out among a spread of weeds,or a calmness occurring throughout the body in  moments of anxiety. Yes, our loved one has been swept away, but has come back to us, visiting us for all of eternity.