Saturday, November 21, 2009

What If?

Our lives can be filled with "What ifs.." "What if I had left five minutes earlier? What if he had stayed home that night? What if I hadn't said what I did? What if I had done this instead of that?"  The problem is we cannot take back whatever we did, nor can we change the actions of another.  We can work ourselves up in worry about what happened, doing havoc to the body. It is not an easy time, but we must continue to feel the goodness of the Holy Spirit, working within us.  We have to turn it over to Him, because what has happened cannot be undone. In some cases, we may be able to say, "Next time..." But, it is the Holy Spirit's power of love which will begin the healing process. It may take a long time to heal, but the Holy Spirit is patient; we will never be deserted.  The glowing fire of the Holy Spirit will be surrounding us,  keeping  us going and giving us strength to meet each day!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Take a Breath

In Chronicles 29:10-12, we read of the words David used to describe our Lord, "powerful, glorious, splendid and majestic."  He can is strong and powerful. Because we have been blessed with the Holy Spirit, we are also filled with what are behind these words.  We do have the power and glory to live a good life. Our souls have been satiated with His splendor and saturated with His richness, giving us an ebullient strength to never quit feeling his power. Take a moment right now to take a deep breath, mouth closed and feel His warmness begin to envelop you within. Now take another moment to thank God for sharing Himself, saying you will treasure what He has given you, feeling His awe-inspiring Spirit throughout your day!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


In my different readings, I am often reminded of 'Kairos.'  This is a Greek word, referring to time.  How do we use our time?  Is it always so busy we forget to make a moment to ourselves? We need to make that time, as this is when we can sit back, breathe in, shut our eyes, and think of nothing but of God the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.  All are intertwined, living as separately but as one, just as we have our parts of the body, but the head is what keeps us together. We must take this time to let the Holy Spirit come visit us, to strengthen us, giving us courage to attack our busy lives.  We will find we are content, able to face the world, because of taking the time to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blessed Gifts, Blessed Fruits

..."For your imperishable Spirit is in all things!" (Wisdom 12:1) Can you imagine life if the Spirit wasn't always there, dwelling within us?  A part of our own spirit would be lost, as the Spirit makes us be who we are. What we have to do is nourish it, and listen to what is being said to us if we begin to take a wrong path. Have patience with everyone, as hard as it can get at times. Have generosity.Share the blessed gifts God has personally given you with others.Have joy in your heart.Bring a radiance of happiness to others instead of self-pity. Learn from the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Everything we say, every act we do, can build upon our experiences, strengthening the wisdom given to us.  Practice counsel. Strive for a life of perfection in the eyes of God. Practice piety. Don't be pious only once a week; have it be an active part of your daily life. Have understanding. What might seem trivial to us is important to another. Understand this, sharing your heart with all before you. Do have fear of the Lord.  Keep Him in awe. Recognize how great God is. Let the Holy Spirit constantly feed you with the grandeur of the Lord. Feel His power, Feel His strength. Feel the enormity of his passion and care. What He does for us, through His Son and in the Holy Spirit far surpasses what any other being can give us.  Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Often, we can get so wrapped up in telling our story, we don't listen to someone else. Yet, if we do listen, we can learn from one another. At times, a person just wants to be able to talk, to clear the mind.  At times, a reply isn't really needed, nor an opinion stated. It is nice to only offer a hug of support.  Doing so can make someone's day, to allow one to get over the obstacle which has been blocking the path to move ahead.  You may feel the strength of the Holy Spirit as you listen, but you don't need to say so to another.  Instead, let your actions speak for you. Pray silently, asking God to let others feel the peace you do. God has His own beautiful way of taking care of things. For now, you be the unexpected friend to help them silently feel the power of the Holy Spirit!

Monday, November 16, 2009

What do you see?

While you are out today, look at your surroundings differently.  Maybe you didn't notice that small tree before, or that pretty potted plant on someone's porch.  Maybe you haven't noticed the artwork in your place of work before, nor that of your neighbor's. Swallow in the crisp, cold air, thanking God for letting you be part of this day. Take a walk around the block at lunch. Notice those small innocent children at play, wishing you could gain back some of that innocence. Look each person in the eye as you pass one another.  Smile and give a pleasant greeting to all you see.  Don't hold back.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Make your day better.  Make the day better for someone else, friend, stranger or foe.  You can do it.  The Holy Spirit will not let you down!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Clouds have always fascinated me. As I see the different shapes and forms in the sky, I can go wild in my imagination.  I don't always think of them as taking the form of an object, but instead how they affect my soul.
They seem to bring such a calmness about me. Always, they lead me into prayer. I am thanking God for allowing me to see these beautiful pieces of art into nature.  I can truly feel my heart start to beat a little faster and my cheeks begin to be a bit warmer. Just as with people, no two clouds are alike. And, as with people, each can affect another in a different way, though there is a common thread to keep all united.  May the brightness and softness of every beautiful cloud cause for you to also feel a happiness within your spiritual soul.  Be good to yourself, nourishing this internal glow. Gently reach out to others, giving them the same opportunity to feel the calmness of God and the Holy Spirit, having all us stay united with our Lord.