Friday, December 11, 2009


Imagine yourself being busy in your house, catching up on the endless cleaning, cooking and laundry.  The phone rings.  Thank goodness for Caller ID. You run over to the little screen to see who it is calling. It could be someone you are delighted to hear from, a diversion from your mundane tasks. On the other hand, it might be a 'courtesy' call, telling you your life would be better by taking a deal on light bulbs. You don't have time for such a call, nor do you care. Now, imagine looking over at the little screen and read that it is GOD calling you. Would you take the call? How much time do you have for Him? Saying to yourself “Maybe later; He can leave me a message,” is shutting Him out.  But, if you do answer, your life is changed forever. Your house now becomes a home, filled with His Spiritual love. By your answering, He is now there to answer you, whenever you call out to Him!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I was thinking in the night (frequent insomnia here!) about my Uncle Robert. He was in town visiting the family.  We went out to eat, where the server told us the special for the evening was frog legs. After he went on, Uncle Robert told me it would be great to order frog legs, that it was fun to be adventurous. That was enough for me. The server took my order of frog legs. He next asked Uncle Robert what he wished to eat. He said he would like the steak.  I turned to him, surprised, saying he had just told me it was fun to be adventurous.  Yes, he said, he did say that, but he did not mean he would be! It was my first laugh of the evening, as he continued to keep me in hysterics about college times with him and my dad, who had been his best friend, in the late 1940s. I heard of how the bread truck driving in front of them  lost loaves of bread on the road, not knowing the back door had flung open.  They grabbed the bread, going from door to door to sell their bread. Another story was of their return from nearby Juarez, where one buddy was more inebriated than the others. They put him to bed, deciding to shave his head, with the friend never waking up.  The fun didn’t stop there; they carried his bed, with him in it, placing it on the lawn, in the middle of the campus.  They stayed there with him, waiting for the response when he woke up. As the sun glared on his face, he woke up, looking around, completely confused on how he got there.  Bewildered, he began the gesture of running his fingers through his hair, discovering the next surprise, of the shaved head. Shocked and wide awake by now, he was yelling profusely while Uncle Robert, my dad and others were screaming in laughter.  What a wonderful evening I had, as one story after poured out.  Of course, my father had not told me about these times, so it was fun to see his close friend of many years spill the beans. To think they stayed friends all their lives, with his sister later marrying my dad, is such a treasure. Friends are a treasure.  I wonder how many of us can say we’ve stayed friends with those from so long ago. Maybe this is the time to find out where they are today, surprising them with a call. With the Internet access, it is easy to find so many ( I just discovered!). If there had been a parting of the ways so long ago, what better time to forget the past and rediscover those precious times. Remember the Holy Spirit is there, giving you all the courage you need to pick up the phone! Oh...and for those frog legs?  I had more fun picking up the legs, feet attached, showing them off, getting groans out of others, than eating them!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I recently had a theology course, having weekly discussion boards. After one of my entries, a classmate said my response would help her have a new relationship with her teen.  I had said that no matter what young adults told me, I responded with sympathy. It might be a broken fingernail, a happening in their day, or how a friend responded to something that had said. I have also done this with the students I have had for the past 38 years.  To them, whatever the catastrophe, it is a true problem.  As adults, if we have a problem, we do not want someone to laugh at us. It is human nature to want sympathy. Have concern and listen to what they say.  Show expression in your response, letting them know you have heard them. It does not hurt to throw in a hug or two! They are the next generation; let us show them the way!  Open up your heart to the Spirit. Doing so will let your heart open up to everyone!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It’s been 20 years, but I still have a memory of a boy about 13  years old standing in the street selling newspapers. He had  a thin shirt on, shivering.  I rolled down my window,  asking him where his coat was.  He said he didn’t have one.  To this day, I wonder why I didn’t hand him my jacket. Learning from this, I  keep extra coats in my car, as well as gloves, neck scarves and hats.  I carry boxes of raisins and snack crackers to give to those begging at intersections.  In the summer, I carry cold water bottles.  As they light up, I see how a little something can mean so much. All of us should ‘give away,’ as many are hungry and cold. Our closets have items no longer worn.  Post holiday sales are great for stocking  up on hats and gloves. Pray to our Lord how thankful we are, blessed to reach out to someone else.

Monday, December 7, 2009


During our lives, we go on many journeys.  Many will be delightful ones, but there will also be ones of sorrow, anger and misery. Each journey we take adds character to our inner spirit. Wisdom will be strengthened as experiences occur. Sometimes, we will be on a beaten path, not yet realizing we can't go that way.  Choices will be made, learning as we go if it was the right decision to make. It won't always be easy. But, God doesn't want us to quit taking the different roads in our lives.  That is why He sent His Spirit to live with us, to help us as venture out to the unknown, always filled with His love.