Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The moon shining gives a casting line of light to show the way; God's Word is a lamp to follow and a light to lead us on the path. What beautiful ways to leave the darkness!
~Marie T. Morrison~

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Everything and everyone in life has a name. What a spectacular thought! It is a pleasant gesture to recognize all of God’s personal creations. It has us realize how special this world is.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Monday, November 7, 2011


H old on, don’t let go.
O ffer prayers to God, asking for His blessings during the difficult times.
P ersevere, stay strong, remember you are never alone.
E ndure what is given to you, because yes, things do get better!
~Marie T. Morrison~


With every stumble comes a new power of endurance. The Lord is good to see how an opposite comes out of something else. We just have to look for it. Perhaps that is part of the freedom of choice he gives us.
~Marie T. Morrison~