Thursday, July 7, 2011


Having a plan is great, but greater is when a fever of excitement changes everything. This is what makes life thrilling. Having that ‘gust of the Holy Spirit,” enter the scene will give cause for a new passion to turn the page, an urging to venture forth to test new waters, and an eagerness to leave the old plan behind, never look back.
~Marie T. Morrison~


Each snowflake is different, just as God’s children are. Each soul is unique, to be placed with one mate, one family, to grow together, within the same Spirit. As snowflakes create a wondrous scene, so do families. The snow continues to fall as families continue from one generation to the next. Though alike, each contribute enough individuality to make the world be special, in an oh, so beautiful way.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I like to face any challenge with great optimism. Having God within me at all times, I am ready for combat. As I accomplish a battle, I smile, knowing that a positive attitude and the Holy Spirit always go hand in hand!
~Marie T. Morrison~


It is good to look at something in a whole new way, something we have seen in front of our eyes for many a year. God’s grace is behind our thoughts, shedding new light, a glow that may grow dim at times, but will never go out. It will be reignited with a fresh glow, when we once again receive His message in a different light.
~Marie T. Morrison~