Friday, January 1, 2010



Happy New Year 2010!  It seems as if it was only yesterday we were wondering what would happen at the turn of the new century. The blackout never happened, and people quickly made the transition of writing '20' for the first two numbers of the year, saying goodbye to number 19. Conversations included how there would be positive changes in individual lifestyles. I wonder now how many people can remember what they said during the course of those conversations.  We can hardly remember what was to be a life changing decision for 2009!  
          Years ago, I decided to write down my own changes for the New Year, narrowing my list to five.  I decided not to call them resolutions, naming them 'goals.'  It would be much easier for me.  There was not a concern about breaking a resolution. I might briefly fall away from my goal, but I could get back up and resume my climb to achievement. I did obtain my goals. Gradually, they became a natural part of my life, which was one of my wishes. 
         My first goal that year was the most important, to become more spiritual. Those around me laughed, wondering how I could improve my already strong spirituality. I knew there was much more out there! I began to take classes, read religious works and volunteered often in religious instruction. I laughed to myself one day, realizing I was facilitating four classes a week. l enjoyed my audiences, ranging from age seven to those over 65 years old. I have loved those I have gotten to know, richly benefitting from their own spirituality.
        God continues to bless each and everyone one of us with His own Spirit. He has created us to be individuals, where the teaching and learning from one another never ends!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Have I told you about 17 year old Nicolas?  He was snowboarding, hit a slick part on the hill, slamming into a tree, head first.  Being in a coma for four days was a scary time for family and friends.  Coming to on the fifth day was most exciting. But, his battle is far from over.  Though he can walk and talk, his memory is scarce. A hospital visit brings recognition, but, he cannot remember so many things. He is an artist, with his work featured on Santa Fe's poster for the Winter Spanish Market.  Sadly, on the day of poster signing, he was in the hospital. The good news is that he will get to leave the hospital day after tomorrow, going home to sleep in his own bed!  But, he can't return to school yet.  He still has a lot of hard work ahead of him. His memory has to return. Though therapies will help, our prayers will help even more so. Please ask our Lord to let the Holy Spirit give more strength and love  to Nicolas, in multitude, so that he may live the life of a teenager once again!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


As I heard my daughter sing "Silent Night" as a solo in Church tonight, it brought me back to her birth.  She was born eight weeks early.  I was told I would be flown to the nearest hospital having the facilities to help an infant not yet developed enough to be born. On the night of her birth, the doctor told me females are stronger than the males, from the moment of birth, she would have a chance to live.  What a journey it was!  I never knew from one hour to the next what her state of being was.  At times, it was quite precarious; other times, she was stable. The nurses and doctors in intensive care were fantastic, ever so patient and kind.
 Her little feet were black from all the blood transfusions. The IV was in her scalp, the easiest place to find a vein. I never, ever gave up hope.  I knew God was with her and me; that everything would be alright.  It was a long journey, seeing those shut eyes at birth, wondering when they would open, as if she was a kitten. What big, brown eyes they were on the day she looked at me!
She was in terrible pain; one time; once she cried for 19 hours in my arms, as we sat in our living room. The next day, her painful cries were silent, as her tiny voice had given out.
The journey continued for many years, not knowing what would happen next.  Now, she is this lovely young adult, a singing voice waking up everyone between here and heaven. She has no signs of an early birth. Recently, we were sharing her early birth with those who had been touched by her voice.  What a shock it was.  It is truly a miracle of God. He is now sharing one of His many miracles. She is alive and sharing the Spirit of God with many, through a first soprano voice which moves the young and old alike. One man in a wheelchair came up to her recently, saying he would follow her wherever she goes. At the same time, the teenager giving the most grief in a class came up to her to say how she affects him. Always share the gifts of God.  One never knows who will be touched!