Friday, January 1, 2010



Happy New Year 2010!  It seems as if it was only yesterday we were wondering what would happen at the turn of the new century. The blackout never happened, and people quickly made the transition of writing '20' for the first two numbers of the year, saying goodbye to number 19. Conversations included how there would be positive changes in individual lifestyles. I wonder now how many people can remember what they said during the course of those conversations.  We can hardly remember what was to be a life changing decision for 2009!  
          Years ago, I decided to write down my own changes for the New Year, narrowing my list to five.  I decided not to call them resolutions, naming them 'goals.'  It would be much easier for me.  There was not a concern about breaking a resolution. I might briefly fall away from my goal, but I could get back up and resume my climb to achievement. I did obtain my goals. Gradually, they became a natural part of my life, which was one of my wishes. 
         My first goal that year was the most important, to become more spiritual. Those around me laughed, wondering how I could improve my already strong spirituality. I knew there was much more out there! I began to take classes, read religious works and volunteered often in religious instruction. I laughed to myself one day, realizing I was facilitating four classes a week. l enjoyed my audiences, ranging from age seven to those over 65 years old. I have loved those I have gotten to know, richly benefitting from their own spirituality.
        God continues to bless each and everyone one of us with His own Spirit. He has created us to be individuals, where the teaching and learning from one another never ends!

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