Thursday, June 2, 2011


Rushing on a judgment may be the cause of wrong information. Think about it. Pray on it. Talk about it with those knowing the facts. It releases a world of stress. Bless those helping in the right decision-making. Thank God for being there, once again.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Switching our priorities may not be our preference, but it can mean a world of difference, as we lend our ear or hand to a fellow brethren. In the end, what we had planned really will not matter. What does count is that another heart was comforted.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


A person not smiling is wishing for someone to smile first, going through bad times. Saying hi to the quiet person passing by, looking straight ahead, may be just what the person has been secretly hoping. Not judging a person’s dreadful mood, responding with kindness, could alter one’s day for the better. You never know how much that one smile can enlighten one’s life, all in the grace of God.
~Marie T. Morrison~

Sunday, May 29, 2011


F ree yourself, as the past cannot be changed.
O nce you let go, inhale a breath of fresh air, and the healing begins.
R oll over the stone and have a new attitude.
G o forward, bringing new hope.
I gnite an optimistic light, showing a new path of faith.
V alues buried through anger can now resurface,
E ncouraging others not to lose one’s identity in the darkness.
N ever hold onto the anger.
E xtinguish it.
S avor the pleasurable moments in life,
S piritually, God will walk with you, every step of the way.

~Marie T. Morrison~