Saturday, May 26, 2012


Scripture says to us,

“You sweep mortals away,

lasting no longer

than a dream.

They fade like grass that is

renewed in the morning”(Ps 90:5)

When a loved one passes away,

we lose part of our own hearts

and souls. At times, it is hard

to keep going, though we know

God wants us to.. Waking up

to an emptiness does not make

the daily life easy to accept.

Seeking comfort from God

will nourish us. He is there,

showing us that though

our beloved is no longer

in our tangible presence,

there are the sprouts of grass

cropping up where we least expect it,

a gentle breeze felt as we are

out and about,

that resplendent flower seen

leaving us in awe

or a sudden calmness

replacing our anxiety.

Yes, our loved one

has been swept away,

but has come back to us,

visiting for all eternity.

~Marie T. Morrison~

Friday, May 25, 2012


Ready to copy my favorite dessert recipe down for a friend, I searched for my bright pink card I had placed on the coffee table. Glancing on the floor, I saw a shred of paper in just that color. The dog had eaten all but a few words, nothing to help me recall the preparations. He got the last taste, I have the memories. As my neighbor taught me in her great wisdom, “Now I have a story to tell.”

~Marie T. Morrison~

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


While thinking about a youth from the past, I was surprised to see him within moments of my thoughts as I was out and about. Many a year, I had prayed for this young man’s safety. The grin on his face told me how God and the angels were watching over him. In gratitude, I continue my prayers of thanks for saving this precious life.

~Marie T. Morrison~

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Holding on to something special, I saw it removed from my hands, given to someone else. Others not knowing my emptiness filled the void in no time, approaching me with excitement, one with a beautiful, spiritual gift, another with an unexpected gift of praise. It made me see how kindness overrides unkindness, that the Holy Spirit is ever-present to bring us joy.  

~Marie T. Morrison~

Monday, May 21, 2012


While visiting with a bright-eyed child, she said she pictured Heaven as being completely white. We smiled, imagining pools, rolling hills and rivers being the color symbolizing purity, innocence and the light of God.

~Marie T. Morrison~