Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I recently had a theology course, having weekly discussion boards. After one of my entries, a classmate said my response would help her have a new relationship with her teen.  I had said that no matter what young adults told me, I responded with sympathy. It might be a broken fingernail, a happening in their day, or how a friend responded to something that had said. I have also done this with the students I have had for the past 38 years.  To them, whatever the catastrophe, it is a true problem.  As adults, if we have a problem, we do not want someone to laugh at us. It is human nature to want sympathy. Have concern and listen to what they say.  Show expression in your response, letting them know you have heard them. It does not hurt to throw in a hug or two! They are the next generation; let us show them the way!  Open up your heart to the Spirit. Doing so will let your heart open up to everyone!

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