Friday, January 29, 2010

How to Learn From A Butterfly

I happened to catch a show on PBS tonight, on the monarch butterfly. What a magnificent creature! More magnificent was the journey taken, from Canada to Mexico, covering 2,000 miles each fall and spring. The concept of migration has always fascinated me. I had not thought of the tiny butterfly going on such a long expedition. Yet, tens of thousands take the trip each year. It isn't an easy excursion. There is the weather and there is the harm given by man. Little did I know that while resting on a leaf among the crops, the monarch would meet its fate as the crop plane flew by. Spewing a spray among the crops, this beautifully winged being does not have a chance.

The monarchs do not stop. All along the way there will be obstacles. Yet, they carry on. Humans following the journey are amazed how nothing stops them. There is even a monumental range of mountains in Mexico they must encounter before they can reach their resting place.

Nearly two months later, they reach their destination. They do not understand what it means for them to arrive at this village. The people residing there are quite poor. Just as the farmers depend on crops for their livelihood, the villagers depend on this majestic being for theirs. Unbeknown to them, fireworks, food and drink provide a welcoming celebration. From the tiny booths, there are tee shirts and tote bags for sale, with the monarch being the celebrity.

It is interesting to observe God's role in all of this. In his mysterious ways, He tells the butterflies it is time to migrate. He leads them through terrific hardships, yet they keep moving. They don't have the capacity to think, “Should I or shouldn't I?”. They just go for it.
Maybe we can take a lesson from them. We get worried, what we should do next. We need to leave it in God's hands, as the butterflies do. They survive, bringing in the next generation of brilliant monarchs, coming to life all along the way as they return to Canada. We could also survive, if only we would give God the chance.

Being human, we have the tendency to question our actions, deciding what would be best for us. But as the butterfly, we should turn to God, having His will take care of us. It would bring less stress, replaced with joy. Leaving it in God's hands may bring us unexpected
bliss. Next time, think of the mindless butterfly, bringing beauty and joy, just as God can. Pray to Him, helping you let go of your boundaries. Letting go and letting God take over isn't easy, but it may bring unexpected surprises, filled with comfort and delight. May God bless you as you learn to spread your wings!

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