Saturday, May 8, 2010


Here it is, nearly 2:30 AM. Yes, I often have insomnia! I cannot get out of my mind what I witnessed within the last 12 hours. To start, I could not find a parking spot close to the place I had an appointment. I did see a truck in the handicapped place, with a man behind the wheel, no handicapped card in view. I was ready to ask him, in a polite voice, if he needed the place, or if he was waiting for someone. When I called out hello,he turned to my voice;it was someone I knew, who indeed needed the handicapped place. I parked further on. My thought was that even though it was a downhill ride in my wheelchair to my destination, I would have quite a trip on the uphill grade afterwards.

Of course, just as I rolled past the driver in the place across from where I had to visit, and had hoped to park, he drove away. I saw him only text messaging when I had arrived; it looked like he had finished the conversation. I laughed to myself, saying this is how it always went for me.

After my appointment, it was then time to return to my car. I was ready for my uphill journey, knowing I had a challenge in front of me. I smiled, telling God I knew I could do it, my arm muscles had become strong.

Beside where I had parked, I witnessed a woman trying to gather her fifteen plus bags of groceries, trying to figure out a way she could carry them. As I pushed my chair upwards, I saw her try all sorts of ways to carry all of these bags.

My frame of mind changed. I was no longer thinking of how I was going to make it to the car, to how is she planning to carry all of those groceries. There was no way she could do this by herself.

As I got closer, I called out to her, asking if she was attempting to carry all of those groceries by herself; she said yes, she was trying. I admired her, for getting as far as she did, about a block from the grocery. I had no idea where she was going, but I knew she could not do this alone. I said I would drive her to her home.

What a sweet woman she was. She immediately introduced herself to me. To think she did this often, yet I thought a challenge was to make it to the car in an uphill parking lot.

God put my mind in the proper prospective right then and there. If I wanted to know what a challenge was, let me see what was really a hardship. I thank Him for that!

God had one more idea in store. In my trunk, I had a box of clothes I had washed and folded, to deliver to Goodwill. As this sweet woman was taking the last of her groceries from my trunk to her front door, I told her she could take this box if she wished. She did take it, telling me "God Bless You!" as she walked away.

I called out "And may God Bless You!" as she left me. I was the one who was truly blessed. God was showing me that though I have challenges, others have ones that are somewhat tougher than mine. I thank our dear Lord for this message. This one woman has blessed me more than she will ever know.

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