Friday, February 4, 2011


During the years of teaching the youth about faith, I alwasys tell them my favorite piece of Scripture, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you man move mountains. Nothing is impossible!” This verse, in Matthew: 17:20, gives a beautiful lesson, telling us that no matter the level of faith we have, it does make a difference. It means God is definitely a part of our lives. Once we realize this, we can understand we never walk alone; God will be there to support us, urging us to keep going, never to give up.

I write this piece of Scripture down on a small slip of paper for each student, attaching the very tiny mustard seed at the end of the verse. I ask them to put this paper in a special place, never to forget how God will be there at all times for them. They may go through feelings of disillusionment as they grow through the years, but always having that itsy-bitsy size of faith within their souls means they can become whatever they want to be.

One year, I had made extra slips of this verse and attached seed. I thought it might be nice to give to adults sitting around me at Mass, which followed the teaching of my class that day. I turned around to hand the slip to a man I had not noticed before, sitting behind me. He took the slip and as he read the words, he lips started to quiver. I read it as him thinking I had just done the silliest thing, attempting to stifle a laugh. I told myself to not be embarrassed, that I was just being loquacious me,

As many of us do, I returned to sit at the same place for Mass, week after week, with this man and his wife always sitting behind me. We became friendly, always greeting one another with a hello and a hug as we took our seats. They began to watch my three children grow as the years went by, exchanging small gifts with one another from time to time.

We became close enough that phone calls between one another occurred, to check up on one another. One morning, the gentleman called, to tell me something special. He asked me if I remembered the day I had handed him that slip of paper with the verse and mustard seed. I said I did, not adding what my thoughts had been, of feeling rather foolish. He continued, telling me that on that particular day, it was the first time for him to return to the Church, being away for ten years. He had fought his alcoholism during that time, now being sober. He was nervous about going to Mass, wondering if he would be accepted and if he would be able to feel comfortable returning to Church. He was still not quite sure if his faith was ready to be a participant in the Mass again. Giving him that piece of paper he said, then reading the verse and seeing the mustard seed, had made him want to cry. He was trying not to, biting his lip so he would not burst into tears.

He told me that this tiny slip of paper is his most treasured possession. He keeps it in his wallet, looking at it often. He said one day, when he reached into the wallet to it pull it out, it was not there, leaving him frantic. He pulled the wallet apart, wondering how he could have lost it. Only then did he remember of a secret compartment within the wallet. He had recently placed it there, in fear it would fall out otherwise. He let out a huge sigh of relief.

It has been 15 years now since I handed it to him. Once in awhile, during Mass, he will tap my daughter on the arm, to show her that sliver of paper, a grin on his face. God had such a big part in all of this. Here we were, two strangers, making a huge impact upon one another, all because of a slip of paper, hardly bigger than a mustard seed.

~Marie T. Morrison~

1 comment:

  1. Colleen,

    I am late in sending you my apppreciation for posting your comment. Thank you, and may God Bless You!

