I started out today wanting to write about the Magi reaching Bethlehem to visit the Christ child, bearing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. To me, it is an overlooked feast day in our country, yet it is such a magnificent moment. However, while doing my daily water exercises, using the time to reflect and pray, I began to wonder about the journey itself. What was the terrain like? What kind of climate did they endure during their sojourn? How far did they walk and how many people were with them? It was time for me to do some research when I got home from the pool!
I found out that if the journey began in Jerusalem, Bethlehem was six miles away. It was a desert climate. Humidity for this area on today’s weather page shows it at 60%, with 70% of its rainfall falling this time of year. The terrain was rocky, with many steep hills. There was likely a large group following the Magi, as they travailed through to see the newborn King. God was always there, through the light of the bright eastern star. We, too, must feel the light of God, always under our feet, no matter what obstacles we face!
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