Several years ago, a friend shared with me what her son does when he says he will pray for another. He writes down the name of the person. What a splendid idea, I told her. Since then, I have done the same. I write the names in my prayer journal, not allowing me to lose my list. Someone I know may pass me on the sidewalk, asking me to pray for a daughter, son, parent or friend. I immediately ask the name of this loved one, writing it down. Later, as I run into the individual making the request, I can ask how this person is doing, addressing the individual by name. I usually get a look of surprise, that not only am I remembering the request, but also that I recall the person’s name within the request.
My prayer list grows continually. At times, I may add the name of the same person twice. One month, it may be for a particular reason, while several months later, it is for something completely different. I never let go of the previous names on the list; I figure the more prayers someone has, the more one may be blessed!
All of us say to another, “You’ll be in my prayers.” We go home, having a distant vision in our memory, of someone asking us for an extra prayer. It is easy to say, “God, pray for all of those people asking for an extra prayer.” Imagine how nice it is, to address these people by name! It allows me extra time to contemplate how special each of God’s creations is. At times, it is especially sad, knowing I am praying for a deceased member of the said family, such as a young teenager after having an unexpected illness, for a parent, or for someone going through the wraths of cancer.
Other times, I add names on my own. I will write individuals on my list, hearing of a trip they are about to take, an illness or the passing of someone dear to the family. Little do they know I have written down their names, thinking about them and asking God to help them carry their burdens, sadness and joys. Recently, I ran into someone whom I knew had been going through a hard time. I asked how she was doing, truly interested in the heavy loads she is carrying. In today’s busy world, it is easy to put everyone under one umbrella, rather than thinking of them as individuals with single concerns. Though she was rushed, she stopped to talk, as she was not used to someone showing interest in her sorrows.
It enlightened me, seeing how much it means to others, to show a personal interest in the concerns of another. My writing of the names is not for me; it is for those who are calling out extra prayers to God, in times of need. Think about writing down those names. You will see how much you grow in your words to God! You may be helping those in need more than you will ever know!
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