Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Rut of Life

I recently met a woman who was a 'tired mom.' Her platter was too full and her patience was on empty. This is a natural thing, to get caught in 'the rut of life.' But, now it's time to think about getting out of the rut. Think for a moment, "Is it an inconvenience or is it a problem?" Sometimes, when I reach the conclusion of "problem," I question myself further, "If it is a problem, will I become terminal if I don't respond to it?" One of my own children asked me once why I didn't react in any way to the driver who just cut me off in traffic. I threw out my question to her.  She was silent only a moment, before saying, "Well, when you put it THAT way..." Let the Holy Spirit enrich you instead, putting a smile on your face, not letting the inconveniences hold you down. "Lord, you shall show me the path of life and fill me with joy in your presence." Ps 16:11

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